John Plowden Carrington 1941 – 2022
John Carrington was that rarest of educational supernovas, a Winchester Scholar. (So rare that his Derbyshire prep school gave a day’s holiday to the pupils

The High Street isn’t a distant memory. It’s actually tomorrow’s memories
A woman appeared on TV the other day and had never eaten Spinach. Another had no idea what a Swede was or what to do

Another stupid moment potentially costing many, many jobs.
It would not be a wild exaggeration to say that 20-20 Public Relations knows a thing or two about the marketing of the horseracing industry.

Most primates are very wary of the new. It needs a good sniff; to be studied from afar, to be given a hard prod with

Corporate Social Responsibility
“How selfish so ever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and

The Future: Part 1
Back at the beginning of April, I wrote a piece for one of our clients in the hospitality industry, outlining what we believed was the

The Mongol Rally 2019 – Grandad’s motor takes a trip
The Mongol Rally is arguably the most irresponsible activity anyone can undertake in a world rightly concerned with Health, Safety and Common Sense. Paah! We
The Algorithm isn’t a moral code.
I have created an astonishing algorithm, which provides huge insights into the minds of almost any target audience. It is based on three core principles,
“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
Based on Uncle Joe’s always instinctive insight, US Schools have got some way to go to get up there – but according to many concerned